Rave New World presents a short documentary about Bussy Temple, a queer cyberpunk rave in Singapore. The film documents Southeast Asia's underground rave renaissance, chronicling an exciting new era of nightlife bubbling up the island country and responding to the unique cultural conditions of the region.
Held at RASA, this film is hosted by journalist Michelle Lhooq, shot/produced by Singaporean nightlife chroniclers Marisse Caine, Rin Tachihara, and Nate Ng, edited by Brian Echon, and produced by Alice Hines. The screening will also include a Q&A with Lhooq and Bussy Temple resident DJ howrøng, and co-organiser Jo Ho for Wild Pearl Community Night's conversation series. It will be followed by an all-vinyl lineup of Wild Pearl DJs.
Admission is free. RSVP on the link above to attend the film screening.